Pink sunsets are associated with atmospheric dust and human spectatorship. Here we associate them with scattered events associated with the lab. We list links to online videos and related reading groups and seminars hosted by MMU affiliates.
Arts-Based Research Methods Seminar
Hosted by Abi Hackett
Webinar: Post-philosophies and the doing of inquiry. Measurement as relational, intensive and post-colonial
Elizabeth de Freitas & Nathalie Sinclair
May 20th, 2021
Webinar: Listening-2: Exploring Froebel’s idea of ‘unfoldment’ with two-year-olds using slow motion video data
Maggie MacLure & Christina MacRae
4th June 2020
Watch online at:
Control Societies Seminar Series Talk
Elizabeth de Freitas
The biosocial Subject
July 25th, 2018
Annenburg School for Communication
University of Pennsylvania